The Bookshop Hunter


Long before recorded time, humanity was faced with an evil of unimaginable power. From the ranks of mankind arose the Seekers, those with strong will who could harness energies of the Spirit World and call forth an army of powerful Titans. With the Titans at their command, they engaged in terrific battles against the forces from beyond… and each other. Now, even in this modern age, the lost Titans sleep in ancient temples, waiting to be taken up by a new generation of Seekers!

Huntik 116 – The Bookshop Hunter

The Bookshop Hunter

The team travels to Vienna on a special Huntik Foundation mission. They have to break into Klaus’ base of operations, and recover an artifact he stole from the Huntik Foundation years before. Dante knows where it is, because of a homing beacon he placed on a scepter Klaus took in episode 15. Zhalia can’t decide if she should try and warn him or not, but every time she’s about to, Dante or Lok just happens to walk in. When they reach the massive multi-level used bookstore that serves as Klaus’ base, Dante divides them into two teams. He puts Zhalia and Sophie together. Of course, Sophie doesn’t let Zhalia out of her sight because she doesn’t trust her. The two girls end up arguing over Dante as they attempt to do their part of the mission, which is to get into Klaus’ records and find where the artifact is hidden. Meanwhile, Lok and Cherit set up a distraction for the Organization guards while Dante tries to get to the Scepter of Nefertiti back. Zhalia manages to get an alert to Klaus, who realizes there’s no time to stop Dante. He gets out his most prized possession, the Spear of Vlad Dracul, and uses it to protect the artifact from Dante. However, it turns out that this was Dante’s trap. The Spear of Vlad Dracul is what he was after the whole time. Dante steals the Spear with his powers and Titans, and Klaus fights back with his strongest Titans. There is a fight, and our heroes leave victorious with the Spear. Dante reveals that he guessed that Klaus had him bugged, which is why he lied about which artifact he was after. Klaus decides that Dante must be stopped, and plans to have Zhalia take action