‘The Future’ in the hands of Lapham’s Quarterly

One of the consequences of the unparalleled amount of information now available to us courtesy of the Internet is a sort of data paralysis. With so many options and so much to see and read it is becoming an increasing challenge to simply know where to begin. Of course you can search for something on Google but then what? Aside from the politics of search and placement inherent in a Google search, there is simply too much information out there.

 Enter Lapham’s Quarterly. Founded in 2008 by long-time editor at Harper’s Louis H. Lapham. LQ removes many of the barriers one faces when trying to go deep into a topic. Each issue is heavily curated and illustrated and revolves around a single theme. If one of the themes covered is of interest then it’s a great place to start your journey.

A typical issue features an introductory Preamble from Editor Lewis H. Lapham; approximately 100 “Voices in Time” — that is, appropriately themed selections drawn from the annals and archives of the past — and newly commissioned commentary and criticism from today’s preeminent scholars and writers. Myriad photographs, paintings, charts, graphs, and maps round out each issue’s 224 pages.

Medieval missionary discovering the point where heaven and earth meet, twentieth-century coloration of black-and-white engraving from “The Atmosphere,” by Camille Flammarion, 1888. © The Art Archive / Kharbine-Tapabor

The current issue presents a dazzling array of content and illustrations dealing with the concept of “The Future.” From Aeschylus to H.G Wells, from James Boswell to Ray Bradbury the scope is both enormous and inspiring. Over 200 illustrations compliment the content.

“Flying Fireman,” color lithograph from the series “Visions of the Year 2000,” by Jean-Marc Côté, 1899. © The Art Archive / Kharbine-Tapabor

Here a sampling from the “Voices in Time” Predictions section:

Ray Kurzweil Describes Man’s Fate: 2005 / Massachusetts
Blind Fate: c. 429 BC / Thebes
Forecast: 1865 / San Francisco
Stormy with a Chance of Locusts: c. 95 / Patmos
Furor Teutonicus: 1835 / Paris
H. G. Wells Travels in Time: 802701 / London
The Future Was Closer Then: 1903 / Paris
The Future Is Not Yet: c. 397 / Hippo
John Kenneth Galbraith Tells It Like It Is: 1958 / Cambridge, MA
After the Revolution: 1878 / LondonOut with the Old: 1960 / Paris
Deconstructing the Oracle: 480 BC / Athens
About a Mountian: 1998 / Washington, DC
Charles Fourier Asks, Whither Civilization?: 1808 / Lyon
Philip K. Dick Recalls the Future: 1992 / New York City
What Futures May Come From Dreams: c. 200 / Ephesus
Game Changer: c. 1795 / London

The Future Issue available here
Previous issue: Food