The Horror, The Horror! Books Left for Dead in Abandoned Schools

school in philadelphiaCommunity at Work by Stephanie. Philadelphia, 2011.

In an era when most schools and kids have glaring book needs it is an utter tragedy to witness these images. All taken within the last five years and all depicting complete neglect. The breakdown of communication somewhere along the line that allows these books to go to an early death without being utilized somewhere is unconscionable. Granted some of the books might be outdated but they still could be of some use to the book artists.

All images gleaned from the 5,550+ photos in the Abandoned Schools group on Flickr.

Urban School by nitram242 detriotUrban School by Nitram242. Detroit, 2013

abandoned schools 1for some this is trash, for others this is a treasure by teddy eduard iglesia. Detroit, 2014

Pripyat Technical College RussiaThink Before you Speak, Read Before You Think by Rebecca Litchfield. Russia, 2012.

Huntley, WyomingHuntley School by oldogs. Wyoming, 2012

Abandoned school NS library in UK by andre govia.The Forgotten Literature by Explore the Forgotten no place, 2013.

Emerson High School Gary IndianaAmerican Literature by Nate Ortiz. Indiana, 2014.