The New Breed of Booksellers and ‘The Bookish Social Networks’

Another instant YouTube biblio classic.

New York’s Street Booksellers from Jason Rosette’s movie BookWars (via Sean Flannagan)

Flannagan, who among other things, is the associate web director for the seminal cultural establishment the 92nd Street Y in New York City.
His website is
His post “The Big List of Bookish Social Networks” is the most comprehensive I’ve seen on the subject to date. From LibraryThing and Shelfari to Douban, a “bookish community site aimed at some of the world’s 1.1 billion Chinese speakers”. Like Flanaghan “I’ve yet to find a book-oriented social network that’s inspired me to register”.

The comment to the post left by a user named lauren is also worth mentioning:

“I just can’t see myself entering all my books instead of, you know, reading them. Listing collector’s items (and old or first-edition books that really serve the purpose of collector items) a-la squirl, sure, maybe if I was bored—the primary purpose of a collection is to show it off. But listing all the books I’ve ever read seems insufferably tedious—the primary purpose of books is reading them!” [or if you are a collector not reading them!].

Do you think anyone on any of those sites has posted a library of books bought exclusively from street booksellers?