Think Small: March is Small Press Month

“As Water to Flowers, Independent Publishing to Democracy” Alice Walker

In 2005 about 80% of all books released were published by a small press. Unfortunately, the publishers that produced the other 20% make all the noise and leave little room for the others.

James Joyce’s Ulysses was first published by a small press, a bookshop no less.
Virginia Woolf and her husband Leonard ran the seminal Hogarth Press.
Sherman Alexie’s first book was published by a small press, Hanging Loose Press.
Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary was originally published by his small press.
William Burroughs “Naked Lunch” was first published by a small press in Paris
The list goes on and on…

The point is: The Small Press is a vital part of our literary culture and we need to support it.

The Small Press Month website has a ton of information:
There is a list of 31 things to do for and independent publishers.
10 things to do if you are a library or bookstore.
There are lots of events planned including a reading marathon of 31 authors in 31 days.

If you want to see what is going on in the small press world visit Small Press Distribution which carries books from over 500 independent presses.

So this month treat yourself to something from a press you never heard of or a press you can’t pronounce. Chances are you won’t be disappointed.