A Collectible Salute to Presidents’ Day

photo of 5 presidents

As we gear up for the upcoming Presidents’ Day holiday weekend there’s no better time to salute our leaders by taking a look at some presidential items currently for sale in the book universe.


Lincoln portrait 1863

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, a vignetted bust portrait by Alexander Gardner. Only known example of this highly important large-format photograph of Lincoln, once owned by the President’s private secretary John Hay, taken one month after the Battle of Gettysburg by Alexander Gardner, 1863. Offered by 19th Century Rare Book & Photograph Shop



Garfield assasination archive

 A amazing archive of material relating to the assassination of President James Garfield and the trail of Charles Guiteau. 1859-1883.  Highlights include five autograph letters and manuscripts by Guiteau, including one of the earliest known letters and a chilling jailhouse manuscript written shortly before his execution; extensive autograph material by the lead prosecutor, James K. Porter, including one of his trial notebooks and a draft of his counter to Guiteau’s “Unsound Mind” defense and more. Offered by William Reese Company


Roosevelt Winning of the West

The Winning of the West by Theodore Roosevelt. Published by G.P. Putnam and Sons, 1900. The scarce “Alleghany Edition” containing 5 maps rather than 4 as in all the other editions. Offered by Alcuin Books

Profiles in Courage

Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy Published by Harper & Brothers, 1956. Winner of the Pulitzer prize for biography in 1957. Kennedy wrote the book during his freshman term in the Senate in 1954 and 1955. Offered by Manhattan Rare Book Company


speaking my mind reagan

Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches by Ronald Reagan. Elaborate limited presentation of Speaking My Mind published by Simon & Schuster 1989. Housed in oak chest with a pull-out drawer. Includes the book in full leather and 6 cassette tapes. Signed by Reagan. Offered by Charles Agvent


oslo peace accord photo

Photograph of President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat taken during White House Ceremony for the Oslo Peace Accords September 13, 1993. Signed by all three. Offered by Historicana


Obama Audacity

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama. Published by Crown, 2006. First Edition First Printing Signed. Offered by Book Patrol

top image:  Photograph of Five Former Presidents, signed by all, taken at the dedication ceremony of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on November 4, 1991. Offered by Heritage Book Shop