Jacqeuline Rush Lee has been creating bookworks for over 15 years. Her work has been and remains a staple in most anthologies that deal with contemporary bookworks. In 1998 Rush devised an experimental process where books and periodicals were fired in controlled kiln environments and transformed into what Rush calls "fossilized" books where "the books were no longer recognizable in their usual context, but transformed into poetic remnants of their former selves–ephemeral and ghost-like forms suggesting internal landscapes and a trajectory of time, transformation and memory…” These "poetic remnants" emit a still harmony that retains the power of the book while transforming them...
Books by the Glass
Next time your on the hunt for a cool gift for your bookish loved one or for something to spruce up your reading life perhaps some painted wine glasses by Renée at Kudos Kitchen would do the trick. Painted on demand by Renee the glasses would surely add some color to the festivities. Salute! Harry Potter Mary Poppins Breakfast at Tiffany's inspired by 50 Shades of Gray Book Club Kudos Kitchen by Renée pictured at top: Pride and Prejudice
A library built with 50,000 free books hopes to debut at the Bay Area Book Festival
It's called Lacuna and if all goes well this spectacular homage to books, libraries and public space will be open for business at the Bay Area Book Festival that will be held in June. Commissioned by the Bay Area Book Festival and created by the FLUX Foundation Lacuna is hailed as an interactive art installation, a library, and a monument to books. It is constructed with 50,000 books that can be removed from its walls and taken home for free. Why Lacuna? Lacuna is about rekindling that sense of wonder we all have experienced with books. We want people to be enthralled and captivated...
Shredded: The Bookworks of Jukhee Kwon
Libro Libero, 2013 “I destroy books...But actually my work is positive. A discarded book is a dead book. I give it new life.” - Jukhee Kwon For artist Jukhee Kwon, a South Korean working in London, the book is where it all begins. “It’s freedom and excitement for me, trying to express what has been hidden inside the book’s closed covers. The book has its own story, its own energy.” Kwon works only with discarded books, painstakingly and meticulously cutting hundreds of pages to create her new objects. From La Scatola Gallery: The artist notes a personal and cultural narrative within her...
A Colorful Approach to ‘Infinite Jest’
For many, David Foster Wallace's magnum opus Infinite Jest is one tough read. Coming in at almost 1,000 pages it is referred to as a encyclopedic novel for good reason and can be a bear to get through. Artist Corrie Baldauf's approach to reading the book was to track the use of color in the novel as a means to help her stay focused and get through it. A few months later, with 2600 references to color flagged, Baldauf finished the novel and the first phase of her Infinite Jest Project. Next up for Baldauf was to do it...