
Holy Robot: Exhibit features robotic rendering of the Torah

"The Creation of the World. Illustrated Manuscripts from the Braginsky Collection," currently on view at the Berlin Jewish Museum features both a robot and a rabbi transcribing the torah. The yet unnamed Torah-writing robot comes to us courtesy of the German artists' group robotlab. The installation is titled"bios [torah]" and: refers to the activity of Torah writing performed in the Jewish tradition by a specially trained scribe, the Sofer. While the Sofer guarantees the sanctity of the Scripture, the installation highlights its industrial reproducibility. It simulates a centuries-old cultural technique that has long since been overtaken by media developments...The installation title refers to an...

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A Dave Eggers menagerie to help send kids to college

Before the ascent of his writing career, and his publishing career as the founder of the one and only McSweeney's, Dave Eggers pursued the life of an artist. Eggers returns to the realm of art with an exhibit of drawings to benefit ScholarMatch, an a amazing new program  that matches donors with students needing funds for college tuition. The 40 posters, in the vernacular of political propaganda posters, will be on display from Electric Works at ArtMRKT which takes place in San Francisco, May 15-18.       Here is a look at all of the posters, including an archive of the sold pieces.

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The British Library: A 10,000 book installation by British-Nigerian artist tackles immigration

As part of this year's HOUSE, Brighton's festival of visual art and domestic space Yinka Shonibare MBE has created The British Library, a 10,000 book installation exploring the impact of immigration on British culture.  The work, co-commissioned by HOUSE and the Brighton Festival, makes its home in the confines of the Old Reference Library at the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. The books are all bound in Shonibare’s trademark African Dutch wax batik fabric and are housed in the library's original wood bookcases. The exhibit: responds to both sides of the immigration debate, both for and against. Printed in gold foil on the spines...

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Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs

It was the last chapter of an amazing run. When he was no longer able to paint due to declining health Henri Matisse came up with a new way to express himself; Paper Cut Outs. He turned in his paintbrush for a pair of scissors and would carve and cut painted paper into an amazing array of work.                                                       The Fall of Icarus Beginning in April a new exhibition at the Tate Modern will be...

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Visual Libris: Part Two

Infinite Jest – Dave Adams  11′ x 14′, created digitally using the Procreate iPad app and Adobe Photoshop  There is just too much good stuff in this exhibition to cover in one post so here is another healthy sampling from Ex Libris: 100 Artists, 100 Books Enjoy! Venus of the Great Northwest (Another Roadside Attraction) – NoMe Edonna. Oil (on acrylic underpainting) on canvas. 12″ x 16″ inches.   Moby Dick – "Ahab"  by Mark Daughhetee. Pigment on paper. 45 x 45 inches   Papillon - 'Cavale' by Todd Jannausch - steel, plywood, lightbulb. (Photo credit Ish Ishmael)  The Fountainhead –  “Howard and Dominique” by Lana Gentry.  11″ x 14″. Graphite and colored pencil on bristol board The Amazing...

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