
Fernando Vicente does Dracula

You know it is going to be good when Spanish illustrator Fernando Vicente hits the books. His latest project is a new edition of Dracula by Bram Stoker. Enough said.     [youtube][/youtube] The project at Behance. Previously on Book Patrol: Portraits by Fernando Vicente Fernando Vicente illustrates The Communist Manifesto Playing Cards for the Literary Set

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Barnes & Noble is going back to its roots, shifts focus back to print

Granted they just announced a new bundling program for the holiday season,  ‘B&N Sync Up!’ where you can buy one or more paperbacks from a specially curated selection and get the NOOK Book digital edition for just $4.99 but if you look a little closer at two other recent moves you just might get a glimpse of where they world's largest bookstore chain is heading. 1. B&N enters the print on demand business. “With the introduction of the NOOK Press print service, we’re providing authors, creators, crafters and more with a powerful new tool to bring their writing to print,” said Theresa Horner, General Manager...

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K   In 2008 HappyCentro was invited to take part in a collective project around the concept of the 'Travelling.' The project was spearheaded by Scalacolore, a design community based in Verona, Italy.  The challenge:  Design a series of posters by taking a letter of an alphabet, looking for a selection of 10 cities in the world that starts with this letter, say which languages are spoken in these places, say where are you from and which is your language. The result: A handful of really cool posters. O V H F   h/t The Logo Smith

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chromapoems: Text Visualized

The latest technology to touch the textual world is Chromapoems. Utilizing the software program, Processing, which "promotes software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology," Lola Migas translates the text from some well known works into radial graphs. Each word is represented as a block within each ring. A group of blocks in a similar hue all belong in the same sentence. The more frequently an uncommon letter is used, the more saturated a block becomes, which in turn affects the hue of the sentence. A new ring signifies a line break. [vimeo width="640" height="300"][/vimeo]   I can't wait for the...

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Plan C: The Book Side of Interstellar

Christopher Nolan's latest film Interstellar is an epic experience. It's length, coming in at just under 3 hours, is a salute to endurance (of both your body and the human race) and a supersonic mediation on time.  It is a battle of an earthly dystopia, with planet earth just one generation from being inhabitable, vs. a space utopia, where the survival of the human race is poised to come from the exploration of space. In both worlds the book has a strong presence and it is through books that both worlds communicate with each other. On earth, it is the library in Molly's room....

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