
Uptown Funk at the Library

For National Library Week the crew at Pogona Creative and the Orange Public Library in association with Chapman University took the runaway hit by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars and gave it the book treatment. Ladies and gentleman, here is Unread Book featuring the one and only Guy the guybrarian Enjoy! [youtube][/youtube]

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Computer-assisted cooking: IBM puts Chef Watson to work

Remember a few years back when IBM's incredible computing machine Watson appeared on the television quiz show Jeopardy!? Well, like most technologies a lot has changed since then. Watson's system performance is 2400% greater than in the Jeopardy! days and it has gone from the size of a master bedroom to three stacked pizza boxes! Now Watson enters a whole new realm, from simply being a storehouse of vast amounts information to now being able to actually create new knowledge. And one of the areas best suited for this new foray is the food universe. In 2014 IBM teamed up with the Institute of Culinary Education (ICM)...

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New Hemingway wearables

  The newest offering from Litographs, the company that creates literary merchandise where every "design emerges from the text of a book," is derived from a pair of Hemingway novels.  The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms are now available for your wearing pleasure.  That's right, two classics from Papa's canon, mashed up and made anew. Litographs works closely with artists "to create a new visual experience for classic and contemporary works alike. From a distance, the artwork illustrates a theme, character, or setting from each book’s descriptive pages. Move closer and the text becomes fully legible."  Hemingway is just the latest in...

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Eggplant with books served up in this animation

For part of their work on a 2013 campaign for the IGA supermarket chain the folks at SHED served up a pretty amazing book-infused animation. The goal was to show off how knowledgeable the typical IGA employee is, and it is safe to say, they know what to do with an a eggplant!   [vimeo width="640" height="300"][/vimeo] behind the scenes look at creating the library at SHED's blog

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Goodnight Moon kicks off Jimmy Kimmel’s Book Club

Jimmy Kimmel likes to read and has always wanted to join a book club. Unfortunately most books are just too long for his busy schedule so Kimmel picks the perfect genre to fulfill his book club dream, children's books. [youtube][/youtube]   Previously on Book Patrol: The Furry Side of Margaret Wise Brown     Goodnight June by Sarah Jio Goodnight Moon is an American classic, holding a special place on the bookshelves of infants and toddlers all across the country. In Goodnight June Jio takes us on a heartfelt fictional  journey of  discovery as we find out just what was the  inspiration for...

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