Code Poetry: Bits and Verse for the Software set


Talk about creative programming.

Submissions are now being accepted for the Code Poetry Slam 1.1

At the Slam, finalists presented work ranging from human language poems incorporating concepts and gestures from programming, to poems written entirely in compilable code. They were invited to present their poems in whatever way they saw fit, and performed with various techniques, including poems composed and compiled in an IDE, multimedia audio/visual presentations, and straight readings from a notebook.

The slam, sponsored  Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at Stanford University, looks for “code that is beautiful to read and simultaneously executable.”

This was the winning  poem from the inaugural Code Poetry Slam 1.0 held last fall:

Say 23  by  Leslie Wu

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ‘rubygems’ # gratitude
require ‘nokogiri’ # arigato
%w(Zarvox Princess Cellos).each{|v|`say -v #{v}
