New Hemingway wearables

  The newest offering from Litographs, the company that creates literary merchandise where every "design emerges from the text of a book," is derived from a pair of Hemingway novels.  The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms are now available for your wearing pleasure.  That's right, two classics from Papa's canon, mashed up and made anew. Litographs works closely with artists "to create a new visual experience for classic and contemporary works alike. From a distance, the artwork illustrates a theme, character, or setting from each book’s descriptive pages. Move closer and the text becomes fully legible."  Hemingway is just the latest in...

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Eggplant with books served up in this animation

For part of their work on a 2013 campaign for the IGA supermarket chain the folks at SHED served up a pretty amazing book-infused animation. The goal was to show off how knowledgeable the typical IGA employee is, and it is safe to say, they know what to do with an a eggplant!   [vimeo width="640" height="300"][/vimeo] behind the scenes look at creating the library at SHED's blog

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Al-Mutanabi street, Baghdad’s book row, gets its first female bookseller

Al-Mutanabi Street is the historic center of the book universe in Iraq's capital city of Baghdad. It is a street lined with booksellers and has served as the intellectual and literary hub of the city since the 8th century.  Now it has its first women bookseller, 22-year old Ruqaya Fawziya.  Speaking of her new endeavor she says: In the beginning not only my family, anyone I would speak to about my idea to sell books at Al-Mutanabi Street, would oppose the idea, describing it as strange, and advising me not to do it, but later, when they saw me entering this world,...

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Haiku with Strangers: New app lets you create poetry with strangers

  Next time you have a few minutes of downtime and are in need of a creative escape you might want to consider a visit to HaikuJAM. HaikuJAM is a new free app that lets you create poetry with strangers. Just hit the "Jam" button and your off, either by starting your own poem or photo story, or by joining one already in progress.  That's right, if your not feeling wordy you can create a haiku comprised of three photos! Pretty cool.   [vimeo width="640" height="300"][/vimeo]   App is available in the  iTunes app store and Google Play. Create beautiful poetry with strangers...

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Another clue that Barnes & Noble is circling back to its print origins

Coming soon to a Barnes & Noble near you are these newly redesigned shopping bags featuring the first pages from classic novels. The goal of the new design is to promote the physical experience of visiting a store and handling printed books while sharing text and illustrations from select classics. "The bag serves as advertisement and reminder of the bookstore and thus is an essential part of the brand's communications...However, this new shopping bag series does more than promote the brand itself; it reflects the love of books and itself provides a book experience -- you can even start reading them...

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