Books with Sami

Lost in the library. 02.17.14 Sami is conceptual / fine art photographer hailing from Sheffield, England. She works under the moniker Manadh, which means ‘omen’ or ‘good luck’ in Gaelic and everyday since January, 1, 2011 she has taken at least one photograph. Lucky for us she incorporates books in some of her shots. Enjoy this sampling. Of an investigatory nature. 03.08.14  Gone camping.  06.12. 13 Nothing like a good book. 02.03.13 Overgrown. 04.22.14 Carrying the weight of the world. 10.15.13 Manadh's website Manadh's Photostream on Flickr

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The Horror, The Horror! Books Left for Dead in Abandoned Schools

Community at Work by Stephanie. Philadelphia, 2011. In an era when most schools and kids have glaring book needs it is an utter tragedy to witness these images. All taken within the last five years and all depicting complete neglect. The breakdown of communication somewhere along the line that allows these books to go to an early death without being utilized somewhere is unconscionable. Granted some of the books might be outdated but they still could be of some use to the book artists. All images gleaned from the 5,550+ photos in the Abandoned Schools group on Flickr. Urban School by Nitram242. Detroit, 2013 for some this...

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Banned Books Week Warm Up: School Board in Oregon fighting over “Persepolis”

Why wait until Banned Books Week starts next week to start celebrating the madness. This time we go to Murphy, Oregon where things got a little heated at the Three Rivers School Board meeting. At issue: Persepolis, an autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi about her experiences growing up during the Iranian revolution.  The 'problem': the book contains some questionable language and depicts scenes of torture and some parents want to be able to sign off and give their approval before their kids can enjoy it. Apparently, one school board member (a librarian) was a little zealous in defending the...

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Keeping track for the National Archives and Records Adminsitration

What a better way to celebrate the announcement that almost 150,000 items from our Government Printing Office (GPO) are now "discoverable" at the Digital Public Library of America then by jumping in to find some treasures. Here's a selection of posters from the late 1980's - early1990's issued by the National Archives and Records Administration to get you creating, organizing and preserving. Enjoy!  

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Mel Bochner: ‘Strong Language’

Language is not transparent (1970), Mel Bochner. Recreated for the exhibition at the Jewish Museum, New York. If you are anywhere near the Jewish Museum in New York you have a few days left to catch the Mel Bochner exhibit 'Strong Language', a gathering of 70 works where language takes center stage. Bochner, a founding figure of the Conceptual Art movement of the 1960s, now focuses his energies on "the possibilities of language as image, medium, and content." The use of words as sources for painting stems from Bochner’s interest in philosophy on the one hand and humor and popular culture on the...

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