Tag: Book Burning

James Patterson is pissed: Calls out Obama for book support

[youtube]http://youtu.be/JkkVPJBkvqA[/youtube] “There’s a book burning going on in America, You’re invited. Especially the kids. You see they’re shutting down your local bookstores. Shutting down libraries. Publishers are dying. American literature will be next on the flames.” James Patterson is on the loose. After throwing money at it (pledging over $1.5 million to bookshops in America and the UK) Patterson is now throwing books on the fire to wake up the the government and promote his #SaveOurBooks campaign. Patterson has started a White House petition where he is asking the president to pledge that once a month, he will go into a library, bookstore, or appear...

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A Kickstarter Tragedy: ‘sad pictures for children’ goes up in flames

It started innocently enough. In May, 2012 Comic artist John Campbell took to the crowdsourcing platform Kickstarter to fund a book based on his internet comic. It was to be called sad pictures of children. His goal: $8000 Amount he raised: $51,615 Campbell published 2000 copies of the book and all seemed well. Another Kickstarter victory for the book set. Then on Feburary 27th, 2014 in an update to backers titled "It's Over" Campbell goes on an epic rant that culminates in the burning of multiple copies of the book. Campbell even shares a video of the destruction. Campbell says:...

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He’s Baack.. This time around controversial Pastor wants to burn 3,000 copies of the Quran

Remember back in 2010 when Pastor Terry Jones incited parts of the Muslim world with his highly publicized burning of the Quran to commemorate 9/11? He called it "International Burn a Koran Day" In what was supposed to culminate in very large event in New York ended with Jones burning a single copy of the Quran at his Gainesville, Fla. church. 10 days later, in response to the madness, riots in Afghanistan began and when it was over 20 people were dead, including seven United Nations workers. Well, why stop there. This time he wants to burn "one book for...

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In the Stacks: First Visit to The New Digital Library of America

 Books are weapons in the war of ideas. Poster 20 x 27.9 , 1942.  Published by the United States Government Printing Office. In the this installment of In the Stacks we visit the newly launched and much anticipated Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). The opening of DPLA represents a watershed moment in the history of American libraries and will undoubtedly become a seminal resource for our nation in the years ahead. It is safe to say this will be the first of many trips for Book Patrol through the "stacks" of DPLA. We begin with a couple of posters produced by the Unites...

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Violence begets Violence: Arthistory by Matej Kosir

In his series Arthistory Matej Kosir tackles the prevalence of violence in society.History often shows us "that the winner of the violent conflict always has justified reasons to be violent, because he uses his dominance to (re)write the history" says Kosir.Kosir aims to show "our contradictory relationship to the violence, namely the use of violence in order to control it (either to stop it or to prevent its reappearing)."By taking noted paintings by artists like Delacroix, Goya and Manet and exerting his "dominance," in this case book burning, Kosir adds his violent act to the never-ending mix.Eugène Delacroix: Liberty leading the People, c-print,...

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