What the Rockers Read and the Writers Listen To

Looks like Amazon and the New York Times have crossed wires in the blogosphere.

Over at the new Amazon blog, Omnivoracious, they have a “new series asking musicians about the books they’re into–new, old, and influential.”

while at Paper Cuts the blog of Dwight Garner, senior editor of the NYT Book Review we have their weekly feature “Living With Music” a series presenting a “playlist of songs from a writer or some other kind of book-world personage.”

Both have a little global touch this week with Omnivoracious asking members of the Australian rock band The Church whats on their bookshelf

and Paper Cuts asks Canadian mystery writer Peter Robinson what he’s been listening to.


-When asked ‘how has your reading influenced your music’ The Church frontman Steve Kilby says “The literary world cross collateralizes the music world. The two are in constant dialogue.”

– Peter Robinson’s playlist includes Dark Star by the Grateful Dead and songs by the Beatles, Dylan, Hendrix, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Robert Plant and Alison Krauss.
About Dark Star Robinson says “it was the bridge for me from the long guitar solos of the late sixties rock bands back to the jazz improvisations of Miles, Trane and Monk.”

I appreciate the holistic impetus behind both these series.

Creativity does not exist in a vacuum.